

I document my journey with a family with Type 1 Diabetes and all its literal highs and lows. Thanks for stopping by!



I’ve been gone a while, I know. I was so good about daily posts through November, aka Diabetes Awareness Month. And then, POOF! Life took over. I spread myself thin, I’ve taken on more than I probably should, and as is usually the case when this happens I drop the things that actually help me feel better. This blog helps me feel better, exercise helps me feel better, and organization helps me feel better.

So I’m vowing here (just as I did January 1st. but I’m always more accountable once I’ve publicized my intentions) to take myself back.

When caring for loved ones with chronic illnesses it’s really easy to forget to care for yourself. I mean, really, every parent out there can relate. But I think it reaches a whole new level of martyrdom when a chronic illness joins the family. I can say this because I’ve been on both sides. It’s not a contest, I’m not saying one side has it tougher than the other, so please don’t misconstrue. The one good part about being a mom to a kid(s) with high needs means that lots of people remind me to “take care of yourself too”. I never heard that when I was plain-old mom, rather than T1D mom. Well, ok, I did….my mom and my husband….but the general population gives little sympathy to the plain-old mom. So if you’re “plain-old mom” reading this post here’s your PSA for the day: You deserve to take care of yourself too.

So back to being a martyr…

Parents of kids with high needs, and I speak for T1 specifically because I know it’s different for all the needs our kids might require, it’s particularly easy to push ourselves aside. Our sleep, our diet, our stress, our own doctor appointment up-keep, our teeth (yes, I sometimes have so much going through my head I forget to brush my own teeth. Gross, I know), our downtime… all plays second fiddle to Diabetes. But it SHOULDN’T. It CAN’T. Because ultimately, when I stop caring for myself I get resentful and depressed and generally unhappy, and then I’m not taking the best care of my loved ones either. It’s a vicious cycle.

So this post is my catalyst to do better. Better for myself and ultimately better for my family.

I will be posting more regularly and frequently from here on out. It helps me, and I hope in turn it can help others. Feel free to give me a swift kick in the butt if you think I’m lagging, and if you need one as well I’m happy to oblige.

Alarm Fatigue

Alarm Fatigue

Thank you

Thank you