

I document my journey with a family with Type 1 Diabetes and all its literal highs and lows. Thanks for stopping by!

Entering a new realm

Entering a new realm

I've never been one for putting myself out there.  I'm a pretty private person.  The time came, when I became a mom, that I discovered there's something much bigger beyond my own insecurities.  The happiness, safety, and well-being of my children and family trump any discomfort I might feel.  This is one of those situations.  The idea of writing a blog is beyond anything I thought I might do.  

But there's a lack of understanding around Type 1 diabetes, and if it means being uncomfortable then I will do what I need to in order to spread awareness.  What we see on tv commercials and hear in the news is rarely in reference to Type 1.  It's not caused by diet or lifestyle.  It's not a punchline to a joke.  My children will not outgrow it and my husband still works hard everyday to stay healthy.  The question of whether or not they "have their diabetes under control" is a laugh.  We don't just give them some insulin and go about our lives, it's a struggle every minute of every day.

When Walker was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes I felt very alone.  For years I had the support of other moms telling me what worked for them and advice on the dos and don'ts of all the big milestones of parenting.  I wanted the same support for navigating this tough new part of our lives.  I had the handbooks and medical advice but I wanted to talk to another mom who had been there, someone who could offer up the practical advice they don't tell you at the doctor's office.    

My hope is this blog can serve as both: an authentic resource for those untouched by Type 1, and a breath of realism for those with it in their lives.   It will be real and it might get a little gritty, but it will always be truthful.  Because I truly believe if I can strip it down and show you the true face of this disease we will all be better off.  Even if it scares the hell out of me in the process. 

Feigning Control

Feigning Control